The Flying Wild Hog traveling Wiseman has landed in town, and he has some stories to tell about our four projects!
Yes, we know that The Flying Wild Hog traveling Wiseman is not real, but bear with us. This is going somewhere good…
Step right up, everyone, step right up! You there, young man, yes you, come by closer! And the nice lady in the back, come on up – don’t be shy! Dear folks of the internet, lend me your ears. Today, I will tell you about the fantastic, non-plastic, a little sarcastic, but never unenthusiastic projects that are coming out from the fine folks at Flying Wild Hog! Trust me, you do not want to miss this.
First on our stage is the much-beloved Shadow Warrior 3, starting with the, even more, beloved Mr. Lo Wang and his arch-enemy Orochi Zilla. Was there ever a more iconic duo than those two? Perhaps. But we’re not here to judge, oh no! We’re here to see the fast-paced action that will make your head spin quicker than Avengers: Infinity War! Some call Shadow Warrior 3 a first-person shooter. I like to call it a first-person celebration of emotive storytelling and katanas. Ladies and gentlemen, this little nutcracker is coming to PC this year.
Next, do we have any fans of secret agents that hunt vampires in the wild west here? We do!? Very well! In that case, do we have something for you! Please say hello to Jesse, the main man of Evil West. Now, this project here is fresh, and by fresh, I mean REALLY fresh! Revealed just last December at the world-famous The Game Awards, it’ll have fast-paced shooting, hat-ripping explosions, and more vampires than you can poke a stake through! And did I mention co-op?! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard me OK. You’ll be able to venture into this vampire-ridden frontier either by yourself or with a partner. I’ll be revealing more info about Evil West in the near future, so stay tuned, folks. This one is a keeper!
And finally, the last two projects in the Flying Wild Hog stable. Now, I know what you’re all thinking. Trust me, I know. You’re thinking, “this fine young man is going to tell us more about these secret projects. Am I right? Well, not quite. Now, I wish I could tell you more fine folks, I really do. But I cannot. But what I can tell you is those projects will be revealed maybe this year… I can also tell you that one of those projects is being worked on in Krakow, together with the wonderful people at Jagex. And I can tell you that those projects are of the finest and highest Flying Wild Hogs standard there is. I’ll have more news to share with you about them in the future, and trust me; the wait is going to be worth it.
That’s it from me for today! You’ve been a wonderful audience! You, people of the internet, you’re fine folk indeed. I am sure that we will be speaking with each other soon. Until next time, take care and look out for the Flying Wild Hog online caravan of wonder (i.e., this blog) stopping on a bandwidth near you!