Each year April’s Fools always means one thing here at Flying Wild Hog – we’ve added another notch to the HOG anniversary stick! The 14th one to be precise!
Conveniently, we have the perfect tradition to commemorate this awesome occasion – the HOG GALA!
In case you guys don’t know, each year at the beginning of April, we celebrate Flying Wild Hog’s anniversary by organizing the HOG GALA during which we congregate and have a good ‘ol time together!
This is a tradition where we pay tribute to the Studio, our HOGs, and all of our games that have been released!
As always, during the HOG Gala, we organized our annual HOGscars where we decided to give credit to those who have been with Flying Wild Hog for 10 years!
This year’s recipients of the Bronze HOG are Beata Szeler, Kuba Opoń, Łukasz Ziobrowski, and Paweł “Świeży” Świeżak! Congratz to all of you on your full decade at FLying Wild Hog! We love all of You!
You, our dear fans, must be probably wondering, what exactly are these HOGscars? Well, long story short, they’re 3 kg statuettes made out of pure bronze and of course, they couldn’t depict any other than the kings of the forest – A WILD HOG strapped to a rocket, who would’ve thought?
Every HOG Gala is concluded by the B-Day quiz – the final frontier of becoming the Ultimate HOG Ninja Warrior! The most HOG-savvy members were able to win some amazing awards, ranging from current-gen consoles such as the PS5 or Xbox Series X to something a little more “handheld”, as in, the Nintendo Switch!
Congratulations to all our HOGsperts! They really are the bee’s knees when it comes to knowing stuff about our studio and we salute them for that! Having a team that is both super talented and possesses a profound understanding of their studio is more than we could ever dream of!
We’d also like to thank all HOGs for taking part! It’s them who made this event such an awesome experience!
We’d also like to thank you, the community, for making this possible. If it weren’t for your love and support for our games, we would’ve never been able to pull this off. Thank you for being the best fans we could ask for!
Keep it real, guys!