Hog Gala – the Return of the Gala
The beginning of April is a special time here at Flying Wild Hogs. Spring is making its warm presence felt, April Fools played a prank here and there, and most importantly, April is the time when the whole studio celebrates its birthday, and the HOG GALA takes place.
What is the HOG GALA you ask? Well, to the new and uninitiated here, the HOG GALA is a moment of celebration, where all of our studios gather around, reminisce on the year that has passed, have competitions, win prizes, eat lots of cake, and give out the prestigious and coveted HOGscars. These 3kg pure bronze statutes of honour are handed out to those employees who have been with the Flying Wild Hogs for 10 years. They are a tribute to the hard work that they do.
People, let’s raise our glasses to this year’s HOGscars recipients. They are Kamil Trociński, Bartosz Chodorowski, Robert Majewski, Piotr Rusnarczyk “Dido”, Michał Kuk and Mateusz Romach “Mati”. Thank you so much for your time, dedication, sweat, and love. Without you, our games would be nowhere near as good as they are. Thank you for putting in all the work that you did.
The HOGscars recipients aren’t the only winners on the night. Oh no! We also had the great Flying Wild Hog quiz, in which the main prizes were a PlayStation 5, an Xbox Series X|S, and a couple of Nintendo Switches. Consoles as prizes at a video games studio – seems fitting, doesn’t it?! A huge congrats to the console winners too! May your gaming session be fun and your controller batteries die when it’s most convenient (who am I kidding, they never die when it is convenient).
Now that our celebrations are over, we look forward to what’s next. And holy smokes, if only you know what it is that we’re cooking and baking. Ooooo mama, it’s delicious! But that’s for another time, place, and news post. For now, let’s just bask in the shine of the GALA for a little bit longer. And let that light shine the brightest at our HOGscar recipients. They are the true stars of tonight.
Until next time!
Your friendly Flying Wild Hog